- Article Written By Arvin Niknia, Independent Author
In my previous article, I discussed how American imperialism created its first revolution in Syria, effectively ending America’s anti-colonial stance (the Monroe Doctrine). It occurred following the Soviet Union’s revolution in Czechoslovakia, which was the first post-war coup. I argued about America’s assistance to authoritarian regimes in the Middle East to minimize British colonialism and increase imperialism. Moreover, Americans believed that dictators could defeat communism. Islamism eventually overtook dictatorship. Islamism had both the support of Middle Eastern peoples and the support of Americans in its war against communism. As a result, both Idi Amin Dada Oumee (1971–1979) and the Taliban in Afghanistan were the consequences of British and American policies. Not only did American imperialism destroy the Middle East, but it also ruined other countries around the world (President Diem). Yugoslav nationalist Josip Broz Tito (1953–1988) had already limited the Soviet empire. Authoritarian nationalist regimes in the Middle East, like Yugoslavia, created challenges for the US. The Islamic Republic of Iran believed in its control following the American-British coup against the King of Iran in 1979.(Guadeloupe Conference). The Islamic Republic of Iran supported the West against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan, and then Iran assisted the Taliban against the West and the United States. I likewise put Western democracy in doubt!
In the above article, I will look at the negative aspects of democracy.
While the West is caught up in the media and populism, individuals in the Middle East use social media against regimes, and while very few Western intellectuals criticize the West and democracy, the people of the Middle East are beginning to become more political. This occurs even though they risk their lives and face imprisonment (Iranian movement women, life, freedom, and the Arab Spring). When people in a society are impoverished and sell their votes, democracy lacks its meaning; when people in a society are successful, they choose inactivity (the West). Materialism is additionally known to have had an effect in the Arab Emirates, where the government has purchased the population.
According to Aristotle’s definition, democracy is about majority rule, not freedom; thus, Socrates was killed by the democratic government of Athens.
Aristotle (384–322 BCE), the Greek philosopher, founded Western democracy. Plato’s philosophy criticized both the philosophers Aristotle and Democritus. This provides a clear demonstration that Western democracy is not merely a recipe for rationality and reason, as Western chauvinists claim. Plato believes that democracy encourages populism and passivity in society. Equality results in materialism in the sense that everything must be tried and experienced by the body; therefore, the search is for that material. Democratic materialism is dangerous to freedom since the desire for materialism reduces a man’s tendency to be politically engaged and to work towards improving the world around him. Fantasies have been destroyed. Nothing is impossible, but it is simply a dream and an illusion since you will never be rich and successful, but you continue assuming that you are equal to others and therefore you may. If you are a carpenter, you should not compare yourself against other carpenters but rather to the president, since you believe you are equivalent to him, but you are not. This condition is acknowledged by many individuals in Scandinavia and Europe. Because of the deceptive reality, you suffer from depression and feel sad. However, not only the well-known Greek philosopher but also the Frenchman Alexis de Tocqueville (1805-1859), critiques democracy:
Majority Dictatorship usually results in decreased public interest in politics, while individualism could end up with an increased focus on privacy and isolation from society. Prioritizing materialism and fairness may lead to people becoming self-absorbed and consumed with their interests and financial gain. Relationships are taken over by contracts( not on respect & morals ) in such a system, and hierarchy vanishes, causing humans to constantly compare themselves to others. Undemocratic hierarchies, on the other hand, encourage a more solid and realistic perspective when individuals compare themselves to those in their class. In upcoming articles, I will explain why Middle Eastern countries collapsed. The Middle East was torn apart not only by European and American imperialism but also by internal Middle Eastern conflicts…..