How’re You Juggling Career & Passion At The Same Time?
We sat down and discussed with Kavin Narendranathan the Founder of K Studio Inc on how is he balancing his life as a Field Engineer by heart and Photography by passion.
He claimed, if you have the capacity to run your passion alongside your current career path or even integrate it then everything is possible.
Finding and developing a passion from any age is tough as we don’t always have the same interests we had when we were younger.
But speaking from experience, once you have found a job you love, that feeling will stay with you for a long time. If you’re lacking the motivation to change to a career that you love, I have got my very own top tips.
Are you ready to take the plunge? There are so many things you have to factor in if you decide to make the ultimate leap.
Do you think you can quit your full-time job or will you have to do something on the side, if your chosen profession or business type becomes a success, it can transform your life.
That was my key, I wanted to transform my life for good while having fun doing what I love the best. And that is photographing humans, he replied.