“Love Island,” the hit reality TV show that brought major influencers like Molly-Mae Hague to fame, recently switched its primary sponsorship from fast fashion brands, like I Saw it First and Missguided, to eBay.
This may feel like a “win” for responsible fashion, but with the fashion industry still largely trapped in a vicious cycle of poor quality, mass production and hyper-frequent collection releases, how can consumption be curbed? With consumer demand and a thriving social media ecosystem funding the continuation of business as normal, can influencers promote the adoption of sustainable solutions – from upcycled fabrics to second-hand business models – en masse? How can we channel the Gen Z obsession with the latest looks into a celebration of sustainability and reusability?
Join Vanessa Friedman, fashion director and chief fashion critic at The New York Times, on July 28 at 1:30 p.m. E.T., for a thought-provoking discussion with leading voices, including:
Shaway Yeh, Founder, yehyehyeh
Brett Staniland, Model, Academic and Sustainable Fashion Advocate
Chloe Asaam, Program Manager, OR Foundation
Rona Perry, Manager, The New York Times
We look forward to welcoming you to our conversation.