Online gaming platform Games24x7 has launched Games24x7 Ventures with ₹400 crore corpus that will invest in early stage Indian startups over the next five years.
Online gaming platform Games24x7 has launched Games24x7 Ventures with ₹400 crore corpus that will invest in early stage Indian startups over the next five years.
The company’s investment will focus on partnering with startups that have synergies with Games24x7’s core business areas and are at the intersection of technology and interactive entertainment space in India, it said in a statement on Tuesday.
Games24x7 Ventures will have a corpus of over ₹400 crore in the next 5 years.
Through the fund, Games24x7 will largely focus on partnering with exceptional entrepreneurs who have the aspirations to innovate and build disruptive ventures in categories, including online gaming, digital marketing, digital content, sports tech, eSports and blockchain technology.
Games24x7 Co-Founder and Co-CEO Trivikraman Thampy said that India is witnessing tremendous spurt of entrepreneurial action in the Consumer Internet space.
“We believe that we are very well positioned to support early stage companies beyond just capital,” he added.