In a tale of the struggle against addiction, Miami entrepreneur Manuel Aguirre, known as “Manny,” has fallen back into the clutches of alcohol and drug addiction. As life took a difficult turn, Manny, who had previously overcome his demons, found himself spiraling back into old patterns. Manny’s life took a downturn when marital problems led to his wife and children leaving their family home. Alone in his mansion on 124th Street in North Miami, Manny turned to alcohol and cocaine as a means of coping.
Addiction is a relentless adversary, one that leaves addicts feeling hopeless. It has the power to erase the individual they once were, forcing them into a cycle of self-destruction. Manny, too, fell victim to addiction’s false promises, mistakenly believing he could never escape. However, he underestimated the strength within himself, the determination to break free from the bonds of addiction, and the hard work required. Instead of taking this path, he chose to relapse into his old habits.
Now, Manny finds himself facing a series of allegations from women and business owners who accuse him of hiring their services only to later dispute the charges with his banks. It appears that when under the influence, he recklessly spends, and when the haze of alcohol and drugs dissipates, he realizes the extent of his expenditures. It could also be that he makes purchases while heavily inebriated and subsequently has no recollection of his actions. This phenomenon is common among addicts, as many find themselves unaware of their deeds when under influence.
Regardless of the reason, there is no justification for Manny disputing charges after willingly making purchases. The burden of his actions lies solely on him, and no business owner or merchant should suffer financial losses because of his choices. Many women have found themselves in debt due to Manny’s actions. After agreeing to make purchases for them, he would contact banks to dispute the charges, leaving the unsuspecting women in financial turmoil. Payments made through various methods, including ApplePay, SquareApp, manual card entries, and physical card payments, have all fallen victim to Manny’s disputes.
Recovery from addiction is a choice that ultimately rests on Manny alone. Several media outlets have issued warnings, advising merchants to consider accepting only cash payments when dealing with Manuel Aguirre.