Over the past year, Telegram has quietly transformed how we view online identity. With the introduction of its NFT username feature, the platform has sparked a digital gold rush. This functionality allows users to mint their Telegram nicknames as NFTs, turning them into valuable, tradable assets. The result? A booming market where rare nicknames are fetching jaw-dropping prices on the Fragment auction platform.
Consider this: the username @knife sold for 68,000 TON (Telegram’s native cryptocurrency), and the highly coveted @news shattered records, selling for an incredible 994,000 TON — nearly $6 million at current exchange rates! Even simpler nicknames are fetching smaller but still impressive sums. Here are a few examples:
- @ocenka – 150 TON ($900)
- @dubai_travelling – 30 TON ($180)
- @f_a_r_a_o_n – 10 TON ($60)
- @respawn – 290 TON ($1,740)
These figures highlight the growing value of online identity and the demand for unique usernames in the crypto space.
Telegram’s rules for minting are simple: if your username hasn’t been changed for six months, you can mint it as an NFT. But how do you determine its worth? This is where tools like @NameRateBot come in. This Telegram mini-app evaluates usernames, assigning them a value in its internal currency. Beyond evaluations, NameRate rewards users simply for participating: evaluating usernames, comparing nicknames, or inviting friends all earn tokens. And for those with truly unique or rare nicknames, the platform often provides exclusive offers.
So, what makes a nickname valuable? Short usernames under six characters, personal names, and common words are the most sought-after. However, most of these premium names are already claimed or sold. For example, usernames like @coin or @love are highly desirable and often resold at premium prices. If you decide to sell your username, it’s important to price it wisely. Some names sell within hours, while others sit on auction platforms unsold for years.
The competition for valuable nicknames is fierce. Owners of rare usernames often receive unsolicited offers from collectors or businesses looking to establish their digital identity. Instead of waiting for someone to knock on your door, you can take proactive steps to assess your nickname’s potential. Tools like NameRate are a great starting point, providing both a valuation and a way to earn tokens without needing to sell.
Moreover, this is also a great time to buy a username you’ve always wanted — perhaps your own name or something meaningful to you. If you’re lucky, it might still be available to claim for free.
As the digital landscape evolves, your Telegram nickname could be more than just a name — it could be a valuable asset. Check its worth today and see if you’re sitting on a hidden treasure.
For further info: https://t.me/NameRateBot/namerate?startapp=kCYygo0q75yUBsDUSihgur