Zeke, a white and gray short-haired cat with a penchant for taking down rats, is known in his Boston neighborhood as a fearless prowler.Once, a neighbor called his owner, Tricia Brennan, sounding...
Read moreThe bosque along the middle Rio Grande in New Mexico is the largest such cottonwood forest in the country, stretching nearly 200 miles across New Mexico.Cottonwood seeds are borne on white cotton-like...
Read moreWASHINGTON — Senator Joe Manchin III of West Virginia has secured a promise from Democratic leaders and the White House to complete a highly contested 304-mile gas pipeline in his state, his...
Read moreThis practice has led to increasingly dense forests and ample brush on the forest floor. As a result, forests end up being “tinderboxes” for more explosive fires, said Jennifer Marlon, a research...
Read moreLife as a short plant can be tough. Taller competitors hog the sunlight, leaving shrimpier species to photosynthesize from whatever scraps filter through. But at least one ground-hugger has found a solution...
Read moreConstruction of China’s Tiangong space station continued smoothly this week with the launch and docking of Wentian, a laboratory module. The installation of the lab advances the progress of a second outpost...
Read moreMonkeypox, once a relatively obscure virus endemic to Africa, has bloomed into a global threat, infecting more than 20,000 people in 75 countries and forcing the World Health Organization to declare a...
Read moreOver six weeks this spring, 23 children were admitted to a Tennessee hospital for treatment of parechovirus, a common virus that in rare cases can a pose a lethal threat to infants,...
Read moreFriday night into Saturday morning will be one of the special dates scattered throughout each year when skywatchers can catch a meteor shower as a multitude of flares potentially burst in the...
Read moreDeep in the waters along a volcanic ridge in the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, sea explorers using a remotely operated vehicle to examine largely unexplored areas found a pattern of holes...
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