Roses are red. Neptune’s deep blue.Why, scientists wondered, isn’t Uranus too?It’s an intriguing question. Uranus and Neptune, the two outermost planets of our solar system, are both ice giants — cold worlds...
Read moreFor four years under President Donald J. Trump, the United States all but stopped trying to combat climate change at the federal level. Mr. Trump is no longer in office, but his...
Read more“He preguntado a mis colegas de todo el mundo, y muchos de ellos me dicen que sí, que están observando una tendencia parecida”, comentó Paul Kaplowitz, profesor emérito de Pediatría en el...
Read moreA never-before-seen meteor shower may light up the skies with untold numbers of brilliant streaks the evening of Monday night into Tuesday morning.Or the event could fizzle out and be a dud.Those...
Read moreA never-before-seen meteor shower may light up the skies with untold numbers of brilliant streaks the evening of Monday night into Tuesday morning.Or the event could fizzle out and be a dud.Those...
Read moreIt’s time for New Yorkers to get very excited about the setting sun.That’s because Manhattanhenge is upon us. It can produce, when the weather cooperates, four of the most striking sunsets of...
Read moreMDMA-assisted treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder “represents real hope for long-term healing,” health experts say.
Read moreTests also differ in their sensitivity, and people differ in how they perform them. “Some people do a swab test and it’s like they barely touch their nose,” Dr. Gordon said. “Whereas...
Read morePaleontologists have long wrangled with the question of dinosaur metabolisms — whether they ran hot, like modern birds and mammals do, or resembled the slower metabolisms of modern reptiles. In a surprise,...
Read moreBefore Tom Cruise signed on to star in the original “Top Gun,” he asked to take a test flight in a jet. Cruise wasn’t yet world famous, so when he arrived at...
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